Actual Game
Ready for School Kindergarten1-Click Install
The Game
Although Fisher-Price Ready for School - Kindergarten is similar to other multi-subject ready-for-school programs that were on the market in the 19902, its content is presented through a series of refreshingly unique activities. Each activity is an isolated experience, so there is no goal or predetermined quest to follow. The user simply chooses intriguing activities and plays.
The brightly animated town of "Kinderville" is filled with ten friendly-looking buildings, each one representative of the activity that resides within. Each of these activities includes multiple variations and/or mini-activities. A few examples include: J.J.'s Hop, where a click on the jukebox produces an alliterative tune for each letter of the alphabet; Concert Hall, in which bell-ringing cows and maraca shaking crocodiles perform in different combinations, testing the child's number and counting skills; Clara's Calendar Corner, which features a calendar that not only teaches about the months and seasons, but can be personalized and printed; Post Office, in which packages must be matched and sorted according to size, shape and color; Sandy's Snack Shop, where the user learns to count, add, and subtract as s/he fills orders for Kinderville residents, and Design Depot, which challenges the user with games and puzzles, including one that resembles a computerized colorforms game.