Actual Game
Math Rabbit Deluxe1-Click Install
The Game
Math Rabbit uses a circus setting for four games that involve counting, number matching, and problem solving. Within each game, there are four math difficulty levels for the user (or parent or teacher) to choose from. If the user correctly answers all of the problems in a game set, he gets a ticket that he can apply toward the purchase of a toy at the prize center. The prize tickets are great incentive for kids to finish a game.
In Calliope Counting, players count off blasts on a Calliope to make music. At the lowest level, players can make their own tunes. At the middle level, players must count off numbers that Math Rabbit gives them, but he counts along with them. At the highest level, players must count with no help from Math Rabbit. After all the pipes have been tooted, they play in quick succession, forming a tune.
In the Sea Lion Show, players start with a number and then must add or subtract from that number all the way down the line. For instance, players could start with the number 26 and be asked to subtract three from 26 again and again and again until the last sea lion is reached. There are four levels, each with increasingly higher numbers. Level One is from 1-12, Level 2 from 1-18, Level 3 1-70 and Level 4 1-99.
In the Tightrope Show, players are given a number and asked to click on the elephant if the problem given adds or subtracts to that number, or is greater or less than that number. If the number is equal, they click on the elephant, who then balances the espression on part of its body. If it does not equal, they drop it into the water trough, where it sinks from sight. After players have saved all the correct expressions, they are treated to a little show.
In the Balloon matching game, players must find the baloons with the matching numbers and problems or numbers and objects behind the doors. Players must find all the matches. At the 3rd and 4th levels, they must add or subtract numbers to get a final sum, and on Levels 1 and 2, players will be shown which numbers they will be matching.
This is a great game to teach kids math. Though it is an older game and a little crude graphically, it still has all the right stuff that kids will enjoy playing. The circus theme is carried through very well, and the sounds and music all support the theme.