Actual Game
Let's Start Learning1-Click Install
The Game
The program has four distinct activities, each focused on a different area of learning, and each offering four progressive difficulty levels. In the ABC diner, the user hunts through kitchen cabinets to help the chef find the right ingredients for his dishes, progressively matching letters, sounds, and words with letters. In the Shape Shack, users are given 6 objects, and asked to sort them into two categories, based on some common characteristic, such as color or shape. We thought this was pretty simple, until we watched a kindergartener determine that 6 animals were sortable based on the existence of external ears! These sorting skills can then be built on by a Pattern Parade that challenges kids to listen and construct patterns of parade members. Finally, the Counting Club presents kids the chance to count along with an assortment of forest creatures.
Settable and progressive difficulty levels are one of the program's strongest educational attributes. "I really like the program's ability to track individual children's progress, and return them to the right level when they re-enter the program," said our teacher reviewer. "This is not only helpful in a classroom setting, but also for proper progression at home." Our parent reviewers also noted that the program's positive reinforcement was "a real hit with the kids."
There's a clear difference between difficulty levels, it's likely that this program will hold a child's attention for a long period of time.
Let's Start Learning is best suited for two to four year-olds, who are able to use a mouse. It is an excellent early learning tool for pre-schoolers, with special strength in letter and sound recognition, and shapes and patterns.