Actual Game
Hunter Hunted1-Click Install
The Game
The year is 2015. A race of technologically superior aliens known as the Masters have invaded many planets, exterminating or enslaving their population. The Earth has become a grim place, the few surviving humans working for the aliens in labor camps. The Minotaur-like inhabitants on the planet Kulrathe are herded into concentration camps, forced to play the cruel game "Hunter Hunted" to entertain aliens. The human Jake and Garathe Den, working independently, have to salvage car parts in order to construct a working vehicle and escape from the Masters' yoke.
Hunter Hunted is a side-scrolling platform action game. The player takes control of either Jake or Garathe Den. Both start unarmed, but over the course of the game they will acquire whips, guns, rocket launchers, and other weapons to protect themselves. The third dimension is integrated into the game, influencing its gameplay: the protagonists can step aside to avoid projectile attacks, as well as use doors to reach other areas. A two-player mode is included, with 20 head-to-head and 15 cooperative missions.