Actual Game
Dark Earth1-Click Install
The Game
An adventure game akin to Origin's classic Bioforge Dark Earth features unique action-adventuring in one beautifully crafted package. Adventurers longing for a deep and rich story, with carefully crafted characters, coupled with swashbuckling fighting action and challenging puzzles and problem solving, look no further.
Dark Earth is set three centuries in the future. Dust and debris from a cataclysmic bombardment by a passing meteor in the middle of the 21st century led to darkened skies and a decimated population. Survivors created small outposts beneath the few remaining shafts of sunlight. Over the centuries much of what led to the present state of affairs was long forgotten and primitive idol worship returned to Earth...with a twist. Remnants of what once was still exist and demand explanation. Secrets from the past are the foundation for power in Dark Earth's present.
You play Arkhan, a guardian of the local religious leaders, who worship the light. Early in the game an enemy "contaminates" Arkhan with a potion, which causes his appearance to mutate to that of a creature of darkness. As a result, his friends may turn against him as he looks for an antidote and tries to uncover the dark secrets that may destroy his family and home.
Using the cursor arrow controls, you easily maneuver Arkhan throughout his walled-city home, searching the dark recesses and beautifully illuminated temples for clues and comrades. The graphics are stunningly gorgeous. The shimmering colors, including translucent stained glass, are breathtaking. Each of the 100, fully 3D animated characters looks unique. As Arkhan and the other characters move, they change size to match the perspective, and the dynamic lighting sources throw properly proportioned shadows.
Game control options are excellent. For instance, inventory management is intuitive, and you can easily replay previous cutscenes and reexamine dialogues. Fighting controls are simple and a clever customized numbering system lets you call up specific weapons according to numbers you've assigned to them. One nice touch: When you change weapons, the new one appears in Arkhan's hand.
Gameplay takes place on several levels. The standard adventure inventory-gathering can be very challenging, as the environments are so richly detailed it takes thorough exploration to find the few important items.
There's a lot to like about this game. The attention to detail is remarkable, right down to Arkhan's actions when examining a location for clues. He might bend over, reach behind an object, or slide his hand over a smooth surface, all the while making appropriate comments. Gameplay is anything but linear. The best approach is to wander and interact with the many unusual characters. In something of a gaming rarity, the story is critical to your enjoyment. Even those who cringe at all the fantasy game-style character naming conventions will want to learn more about Dark Earth's people.