Actual Game
Microsoft Golf 3.01-Click Install
The Game
This is the third iteration of Microsoft's well-known golf platform.
Game play is still dominated by the swing meter that is controlled by the keyboard or mouse. You click the mouse to start the swing up and click at the apex and then click at the bottom. If you miss the line at the top or at the bottom the ball will not fly as it was intended, resulting in a slice, wobble, over or under hit ball. The swing meter keyboard or mouse control has never been a satisfactory interface.
The game play includes two courses: Alberta Baniff Springs and South Carolina's Harbor Town. The list of standard features include hole fly-bys, narrative strategies, pro tips, and stroke advice. Artificial intelligence players seem more intelligent and agressive this time around, as well.
As in past games, the terrain is beautiful for the time with full photorealistic courses that are detailed down to the ball cleaner and sometimes off course features.
Commentary keeps you up with what is going on in the game. and an effective, online tutorial helps you to master the mouse controlled golf interface, one of the most disorienting and disagreeable features of all computer golf games.You can create character opponents and team members, and customize skin, player rating (1-10 in six categories), shirt and hair color, clothes style, and gender.