Actual Game
Clue: Murder at Boddy Mansion is based entirely on the ever-popular board game of the same name. Players must use deduction skills to determine who killed the factitious Mr. Boddy, what weapon they used, and where they did the horrible deed. Hasbro and EAI have done a great job bringing the game play of the board game to Windows, but they didn't do much to innovate or make the game new and unique. The poured on cut-scenes, 3D polygonal animations, and creepy music are great, but simply add extras placed on top of the same classic board game we all have grown up with. By keeping the game play intact, players are insured quality game play and fun, without the risks associated with “reinventing” a game this popular and this set in tradition.
Playing the game on a computer is quite fun, thanks to all the multimedia perks that Hasbro added. You get to choose from the six “suspects” from the original board game, now revamped as true 3D polygonal models. A 3D mansion that your characters can roam replaces the classic "game board". You may also turn off these perks and use the classic flat game board, however, the 3D one adds atmosphere and makes the game much more fun to play. Not to mention all the little secrets in the rooms. Click on some of the objects in each area and be surprised by the many short animations that unfold.
The game warns of “Mild Animated Violence” and it is quite noticeable. When a player makes an “accusation” (suggesting possible murderer, weapon, and place of crime) a short animated cut scene depicting the possible occurrence flashes across the screen. It's quite alarming to see little Mrs. White swing a large wrench across the head of the unseen Mr. Boddy, or watching Ms. Scarlet kick the chair out from under him and seeing the rope pull tight (you never see Mr. Boddy, though).
Boddy Mansion is an all around great game. Yes, it is simply the board game brought up to personal computer with a bag full of multimedia bells and whistles. That is the intention, I believe! A great way to experience Clue. You can't go wrong with this title.