Actual Game
Retribution1-Click Install
The Game
Retribution is a Decent style 3D shooter that enhances the immersion with Wing Commander-style interactive screens between missions. The plot: as the name implies, fight to avenge the fallen of your race that have been harvested by the evil Krellans (no relation to Star Fleet games). Cutscenes and digitized speech both add to the atmosphere. Between missions, you can wander around in the base talking to different characters (who look similar to pilots in Wing Commander 1), who often have tips or info on the backstory.
True to Gremlin's reputation as developer of some of the best in-game 3D graphics during the 90s, the landscapes are very smooth and detailed, with good gouraud-shading effects similar to NovaLogic games. Gremlin touted their technology as logi-scape real time landscape generating technology incorporating the new "Deep Horizon" format and the results are great to see. Retribution is a very challenging game that gets very hard very fast. With eleven major campaigns, each with 4 highly strategic missions, and 8 training missions to enhance performance, Retribution will keep the most expert of pilots occupied for some time. Veteran gamers who are looking for a furious space combat game will like Retribution.