Actual Game
Deer Avenger1-Click Install
The Game
Deer Avenger is a parody hunting game where a well-armed deer named Bambo assumes the role of protagonist. The deer is out to take down as many humans as he can find who are wandering through his wilderness. The player selects from 3 weapons (an M-16, a bazooka, or a sling-shot) and then selects from among 3 locales (green West Virginia or Connecticut, or snowy Minnesota). The gameplay consists of roving on an overhead forest map and searching for signs of recent hunter activity (such as beer cans, nudie mags, tree carvings, or a name written in the snow with urine). Then the player can hunt from that point which involves scrolling through a 360-degree panorama of the area, waiting for humans to show up. Bambo can also try to encourage humans to show up with assorted calls.
The emphasis of the game is the comedy aspect. Bambo has a variety of quips and calls that he rotates through during the game depending on the situation. Further, there are other touches such as when you use your binoculars to get a closer look at the region.