Actual Game
Master of Magic1-Click Install
The Game
Set in the magical worlds of Arcanus and Myrror, Master of Magic represents the struggle of several rival wizards for magical control of both realms. As one of those wizards you must build armies of magical and non-magical units and extend your empire through settlement and conquest. In the meantime, increase your magical strength by obtaining control of the magic nodes which dot the landscape and increase your knowledge by researching spells until you learn and cast the Spell of Mastery which leaves you in sole control of the worlds and the undisputed Master of Magic!
You are not the only one trying to subdue the world. From one to four other Wizards are pursuing the same goal as you are. Eventually you will have to push each one aside, but initially you needn't view them only as an enemy. You may engage in diplomacy with each wizard: Set up an alliance or a non-aggression pact, declare war, offer tribute, and exchange spells.