Actual Game
The Original Sid Meier's Civilization1-Click Install
The Game
The concept seems simple: Take an Earth-like planet, add various primitive nomad clans, and see what develops. The ultimate goal of Civilization is to advance your chosen civilization from a group of stone age hut-builders to a democratic empire capable of colonizing Alpha Centauri. This would be easy if you didn't have any opposition, wouldn't it?
You start at the dawn of recorded history - 4000 B.C. and the founding of the first cities - then nurture your society toward the Space Age. In the beginning, you'll labor to simply survive while building your settlements, discovering new technologies, and fending off barbarians. You control settlers, military units, trade caravans, diplomats, scientists, entertainers, and other entities in your quest to carve out your civilization in the rock of time.
Civilization will allow you to use Earth as your planet, or let you customize a random one for a new twist. While the Earth mode places the familiar tribes in relative locations where they actually appeared, I found making a random world was much more fun. This allows you to change several things about the planet, namely climate, percent of land vs. water, and age (more mountains vs. forests). Little changes like the land vs. water can drastically change the outset of the game. If you choose large landmasses, for instance, chances are really good you'll be start off sharing one with a couple other cultures. This forces contact with them (and possibly war with them) much sooner than a world with many smaller islands.
The startup sequence also allows you to select how many other civilizations yours will be pitted against (up to seven). Civilization allows you to choose any of fourteen civilizations to lead in your quest for domination, including Russian, American, Zulu, Babylonian, or Aztec to name a few. The cultures the game chooses to place against you greatly dictates the way the game will go. While each culture is led by who was most likely their famous leader (ie Stalin for the Russians, Hammurabi for the Babylonians), each leader has a somewhat historically-accurate personality that affects his behavior. While the Indians (led by Ghandi) will mostly keep to themselves and not fight unless provoked, Napoleon of the French will continually attack, trying to dominate everything in sight. This is why diplomacy and your relations to other empires is so important. If you don't have the strength to eliminate another culture, you must figure out how to make the most of them. You can send spies, subvert cities, and even sabotage or steal their new technologies.
This brings me to the issue of technology, the real heart of Civilization. By placing cities near good natural resources, you increase its ability to manufacture technologies (including everything from chariots and libraries to recycling plants and factories). In addition, your empire as a whole spends time developing a number of "global" advances that effect more than just one city (like Literacy, Iron Working, or Democracy). With each new development, you make many more possible. For instance, it's impossible to develop a Riflemen unit until you've discovered Iron Working and Gunpowder. This all sounds fairly simple at first, but you also need to pacify the population of your cities. If, for instance, you tell one city to keep making Catapult units they will eventually go into Civil Disorder, and stop producing. You can pacify them by doing a number of things like putting military units in their city (establishing martial law) or make something that will benefit them, like a Temple or Coliseum.
This game was an instant classic, and still lives on years later. Its replay value is infinite, allowing completely different experiences every time it's turned on. On top of that, it's as addicting as computer games get.