Actual Game
Strike Commander
This is a fantastic game compilation released by Creative in the early 90s to entice gamers to buy Creative's new soundcard. The promotion worked well because most of these games were top sellers at the time and still available in stores: $240 worth of games for a $150 soundcard.
As you might have guessed by the titles most of the games were showcase pieces for the audio capability of Creative's Soundblaster. From Wing Commander's orchestral soundtrack, to Syndicate's excellent use of sound effects, Creative chose the games wisely.
These games also represent the state-of-the-art of graphics for the time. Who can forget the Wing Commander II intro? It was a real mini-movie. The scene where the Kilrathi ship flies near the starbase was the greatest feat of animation I had ever seen at the time. And Strike Commander successfully fused polygons and bitmaps into one glorious whole, a TRUE texture-mapped world that can look lovely and obey basic laws of physics and geometry at the same time. These were technical masterpieces.

Strike Commander
Wing Commander II
Ultima VIII