Actual Game
Nerves of Steel1-Click Install
The Game
Nerves of Steel is set in the near future of South East Asia. From a secret underground complex called the Iron Triangle, the evil regime of Kim Dung Moon is on a sinister campaign to "purify" the world. You are a Tunnel Rat, an elite Special Forces ultra modern digital warrior and it's your task to stop Dung before he gains world control. Unlike Wolf3d which had maze-like levels Nerves of Steel actually had a nice variety to them. The graphics although simplistic are passable considering the age of the engine. The sound effects on the guns also sound particularly menacing.
Your arsenal of weapons including shotguns, assault rifles and machine guns will help you succeed against the lethal guards and monsters crossing your way. The game is level-based and uses the same graphic routine as The Fortress of Dr. Radiaki.