Actual Game
Hell Cab1-Click Install
The Game
Many people think New York city has cabbies from hell, but that hasn't been literally true until now. With the game Hell Cab, you'll take the ride of your life, and maybe lose your soul in the bargain.
You start out at the Airport, JFK, where you are approached by your cabbie, Raoul. He offers to give you a sightseeing tour of New York, and probably one you will never forget. You'll start out with a trip to the Empire State Building.
At each stop on your journey, you will have to make choices. Some choices result in you losing part of your soul. On the other hand, some choices can let you regain part of it. Raoul, your cabbie, has a stake in all of this, and will try to trick and cheat you if he can. There will also be items you can pick up and carry with you in your "I Love NY" bag.
There are five main stops on Raoul's journey. The Empire State Building, The Statue of Liberty, World War One France, Rome under Nero, and the Jurassic Period. Each provide ample opportunities to lose your soul or die.
In the game, you have three lives. Whenever you lose a life, you go to Hell's Anteroom and are told how many lives you have left. When you lose your final life... there is no coming back.
The graphics in this game are very good, especially for 1993 standards. Seeing Raoul's eyes glowing red in the rear-view mirror is very spooky and effective and the rest of the horror effects are very well done.
While this game is not for highly suggestible people, it is not something that will give you nightmares. Just a nice spooky chill down the back.